Maths & Puzzles
I'm closely involved with the world of maths. Find out more by clicking the tabs on the left, but in summary:
* I have written (or co-written) seven maths books aimed at the general public, of which two have been bestsellers selling over 100,000 copies worldwide (Why do Buses Come in Threes? and Maths for Mums and Dads).
* I am Director of Maths Inspiration, a national programme of theatre-based lecture shows for teenagers.
* I give numerous talks every year, for just about every audience: primary school children, teenagers, undergraduates, families and teachers.
* I'm close to several of the UK's leading maths bodies. I was President of the Mathematical Association from 2007-8, and I've worked a lot with the Royal Institution, the UK Maths Trust and numerous other mathematical organisations.
* My original maths interest was in mathematical puzzles, As a student I was a monthly puzzle setter for New Scientist, and in 2019 life came full circle as I returned as puzzle adviser to the magazine. We produced a collection of favourite puzzles from the column in 2023, entitled Headscratchers.
In 2016 I was thrilled to receive the Zeeman medal for excellence in the promotion of maths. The medal is in honour of Professor Sir Christopher Zeeman, and is awarded jointly by the London Maths Society and the Institute of Maths and its Applications.